Generation's : "Technology keeps us Connected"

If You've lived much of your life without a computer, it can be intimidating to think about to diving in and making it a daily part of your daily life. And if you were one of those who has been resistant to embracing technology, Then you may want to think again.

Such Devices and Applications as Smartphone's, Tablets, E-mail, Texting, Facebook and Skype are bringing families together offering an easy avenue to communicate when you're loved ones are far away and or when they are as close as the next room.

1. Video Chat: 

This is one of our favorites with Skype or iChat. We love to video chat with our Loved One's. There is something about seeing the person on the other line that doesn’t make them feel so far away. Or we do this with cousins where the kids make faces at each other for 15 minutes straight. But hey, that’s actually what they do when they see each other in person too.

We also do this with my husband when he’s been out of town. Here’s a funny photo of all of us on video chat. It makes it seem like he’s right there in the room with us!

2. Facebook: 

This was probably one of the first ways for me to connect with long lost friends. All the way back to grade school and high school. I’ve even found college roommates, being able to see what they are all up to now.

Facebook is also a great way to share photos.

3. Twitter:

For those who aren't aware of Twitter, the second largest social network in the world, it utilizes brief, 140-character status updates to connect people with more than 250 million users worldwide. While Facebook offers a similar service, Twitter allows you to interact with people on a whole new level. From the girl next door, to stars of Hollywood and everywhere in between, Twitter is the new place where all the cool kids hang out.

4. LinkedIn:

A networking tool to find connections to recommended job candidates, industry experts and business

5. Mobile phones:

I’m a texter. I love to send a quick text to someone letting them know something important or to ask them a question. Or even just a simple “thinking of you :)” to stay connected – I’m big on the smiley faces ;)  With texting, it’s quick and simple, perfect for when you don’t have extra time to make a phone call to your sister when you know it’s going to take more than 20 minutes to get everything said. When I’ve got the kids around, it’s hard to carry on a solid conversation with anyone. So it’s great to send a quick text to stay connected.


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